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What does the engagement process look like?

We meet with you to understand your brand vision and goals, and then align on the direction to take. From there, we define the scope of work, provide you with examples of potential end products, and get started on the development. Through multiple iterations, we collaborate with you to perfect the details and ensure that you are happy with the end product.

What is included in the Search Engine Optimization service? 

Whenever we develop new websites, we optimize each individual page so that you can more effectively rank in Google's search results. We do this by providing alt text on individual assets (this helps ensure the site meets accessibility standards for screen readers), Open Graph settings (for social media sharing), Search Engine Results Page settings (proper indexing and appearance on search engines), code compression (speeds up loading times and thus ranking abilities on Google), and a wide range of other services.

What is the benefit of working with Zucario? 

Working with our team can give you access to experienced professionals with specialized knowledge in digital marketing and web design and development. Our team can help you create campaigns that are tailored to your business and target audience, execute effective strategies, and save you time, money, and effort in the long run.

What is the pricing? 

Our pricing models vary based on the scope of work. For example, if we are strictly developing and handing off a site, pricing depends on the page numbers as well as added functionality. If we are helping you to implement new marketing & data systems, we offer an upfront fee as well as an ongoing monthly cost that allows us to maintain the site and provide monthly reports/updates. Please contact us directly to receive specific pricing.